FTSE Pan-European Broad Investment-Grade Bond Index (PEUBIG)

Our FTSE Pan-European Broad Investment-Grade Bond Index (PEUBIG) tracks government, government-sponsored, collateralised and corporate bonds.

The FTSE Pan-European Broad Investment-Grade Bond Index (PEUBIG) tracks government, government-sponsored, collateralised and corporate bonds, denominated in Euro (EUR), Swiss Franc (CHF) and UK Sterling (GBP).

The series is comprised of:

  • FTSE Pan-European Euro Broad Investment-Grade Bond Index, the EUR sub-index
  • FTSE Swiss Broad Investment-Grade Bond Index (CHBIG), the CHF sub-index
  • FTSE UK Broad Investment-Grade Bond Index (UKBIG), the GBP sub-index

The FTSE UK Broad Investment-Grade Bond Index (UKBIG) tracks government, government-sponsored, collateralised and corporate bonds, denominated in UK Sterling (GBP), irrespective of market of issue. The index forms the sterling sub-index within the FTSE Pan-European Broad Investment-Grade Bond Index. The related FTSE UK Domestic Investment-Grade Bond Index (UKDIGBI) captures the same investment choice set as the UKBIG, but with a lower minimum amount outstanding threshold, for a deeper view of the domestic market.

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