FTSE Chinese (Onshore CNY) Broad Investment-Grade Bond Index

The FTSE Chinese (Onshore CNY) Broad Investment-Grade Bond Index includes most tradable sectors in Chinese fixed-income market.

The FTSE Chinese (Onshore CNY) Broad Investment-Grade Bond Index (CNYBIG) includes the most tradable sectors in Chinese fixed-income market, i.e., CGB, the three policy banks and corporate securities with higher quality credit ratings, which would be an ideal pathway for international investors looking to participate in the rapidly growing Chinese financial market, where policy and regulation continue to open for foreign investing.

CNYBIG is part of FTSE Broad Investment-Grade Bond Index (BIG) family, which consists of the WorldBIG, a comprehensive global benchmark in multi-currency, and several regional indices featuring single local currency such as Eurozone (EuroBIG), US (USBIG), UK (UKBIG), Swiss (CHBIG), Australia (AUBIG) and Japan (JPBIG).

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