Factors and Smart beta indices

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    How our Factors and Smart beta indices benefit you

    FTSE Russell Factor indices allow market participants to access the performance of six well-known equity market factors (quality, size, value, momentum, volatility and yield) via single-factor and multi-factor indices. These six factors represent systematic drivers of equity market returns and carry a risk premium, for which there is ample academic support. 

    The multi-factor index range offers combinations and adjustable factor exposures to cater for specific client objectives and investment outcomes.

    The FTSE Global Factor Index Series covers a wide range of well-known underlying equity indices and geographies, including the FTSE All-World Index, the Russell US Indices and the FTSE UK Index Series. The series aims to achieve efficient and controlled exposure to the target factor(s) for the underlying indices using transparent, rules-based methodology.

    The FTSE Target Exposure Indices are designed to target specific characteristics - such as factor, climate and ESG exposures - while minimising all off-target, consequential exposures. Target exposures are completely flexible and can be combined to cater to specific client objectives.

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